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PDF icon 23rd June 2024


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Diocesan e-news

Weekly news from across Portsmouth diocese

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There is still time to join our new online course, click the link to register!

Sadly the planned Money Coaching course has been postponed until the autumn, more details will follow nearer the time.

The theme for Refugee Week this year is ‘Our home’ and we want to see how we can make our home more welcoming and safer for others. To help, Cartias Portsmouth has two events coming up. On 13th June from 6-7pm Caritas Diocese of Plymouth and Caritas Portsmouth are joining up for an online event to look at how we might be more welcoming to refugees and asylum seekers in our communities. On Tuesday 18th June from 12:30-1pm there is an online networking lunch where you can hear from a parish working with refugees and asylum seekers, with time to discuss and ask questions. Everyone welcome. Registration is required for both events, please visit to sign up.

Deacon Tony reflects: Corpus Christi

In the letter to the Hebrews, we hear that the Sacrifice made by Jesus is the new and eternal covenant, this time made to all mankind and not just the chosen few.

Today is the awesome feastday of the Most Holy Trinity, when we praise, thank and adore the one true God in the Mystery of His Godhead, a Trinity of persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is our Creator; He is our Redeemer; He is our Sanctifier, because He is love; He is mercy; He is relationship. And all that He has created, visible and invisible, is stamped with His Trinitarian image. The whole universe, from the macro- to the micro-, from distant galaxies down to the tiniest atom, is marked by relationship and interdependence. So too, you and me. We are made in the image of the Trinity. Like God, we are made for love. Love alone makes us happy; we live to love, and love to be loved.

Bishop Philip has issued a Pastoral Letter today to encourage you in the first of our Six Holy Habits: Prayer; encouraging you to spend five minutes or more each day in prayer.

You can watch it here:

Money Management For All
Following the success of the sessions organised last year, Holy Ghost Parish is delighted to tell you that once again we have partnered with Christians Against Poverty [CAP] to deliver one of their ‘Money Coaching’ programmes in St Bede’s Church hall on June 20th & 27th and July 4th and 11th. Delivered by local churches in partnership, money coaching is a free service designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage your finances. Anyone can benefit – from those who’ve been using a budget for years to those struggling to get to grips with their spending. Places on the forthcoming course are very limited, so please book your space asap. The sessions will begin at 7pm with a light meal, ending at 9pm. For more information please contact Deacon Tony or Pam on either or call 07883 059 529. But to book a place, please go to this link to book direct:…
We hope to see you there!…

Handmade cards will be sold on the morning of Sunday12th May. FHC, Father’s Day and Birthday cards available. Special occasion orders accepted. Minimum donation of £2 but please give what you can. All proceeds going to CAFOD.…